Many narcotics are prescriptions. This is just a partial list as there are many drugs that include combinations of these medications in them which are also considered narcotics. In some areas but the true meaning is an analgesic such as prescription painkillers.
Some states or users described narcotics as just about any type of drug including cocaine or methamphetamine. Narcotics are typically those drugs which are either directly taken from the opium poppy such as heroin or morphine as well as the long that are either synthetic or semi-synthetic which means that all or a portion of the drug is created in a laboratory setting. Heroin, morphine and continue to be the most widely known narcotics. Some areas also include barbiturates and as narcotics. These include: Benzodiazepines: • Xanax • Paxal • Klonopin • Valium • Diazepam • Lorazepam • Ativan • Alprazolam. Treatment Support available 24/7 Barbiturates: • Vesparax • Soneryl • Fiorinal • Fioricet • Prominal • Mebaral • Bervital • Lotusate Regardless of whether the list of narcotics includes only opiate based drugs that are derived from the poppy plan or if it includes other dangerous drugs such as barbiturates or benzodiazepines these drugs all carry a wide potential for causing dependence and subsequent physical which is difficult to control and equally difficult to treat. For help finding a narcotics abuse recovery program, call.
The Arthritis Today Drug Guide is meant for education – not self-medicating. Arthritis Today, the Arthritis Foundation and the Drug Guide Medical Review Panel do not endorse any products mentioned in this guide.While we endeavor to keep the information up to date, we make no representations or warranties about the completeness of the information provided. Alphabetical List of Drugs, Drug Reference Encyclopedia - Physicians PDR. Jan 09, 2019 This health topic webpage is intended to provide basic information about mental health medications. It is not a complete source for all medications available and should not be used as a guide for making medical decisions. Your doctor may be able to adjust the dose or change your prescription to a different one that may work better for you.